Why do we love sunrise?

Each bright ascent and fall of the sun over our view feels significant.

Each bright ascent and fall of the sun over our view feels significant. It fills our eyes and energizes our brains. It happens every time we see the sunrise. Have you felt the same ? Come and experience the beautiful sunrise at Sarankot if you haven’t already. We're overpowered with a feeling of who and what we are, just by watching that enormous sun showing up in the sky. It’s an interesting blend of lots of things going on in the mind and heart.
Many people believe a lot to do with the colour theory. The dominant colors during sunrise are blue and orange. Both the colors evoke different emotions in people. Blue of sky evokes the sense of clam safety and stability in the human mind. The color blue evokes warmth, enthusiasm & excitement. What makes it more interesting is, orange and blue are two complimenting colors in the colors wheel. When two complimenting colors are witnessed in the same spot. The view relaxes the mind. Many people have also associated sunrise viewing with better mental health. So when are you witnessing your next sunrise? Come visit Pokhara and see the sunrise from Sarankot view point. You can reach to sarankot viewpoint easily with Annapurna Cable Car.